Many scientists are saying that distress is at the root of most ill health.
Even when there is an hereditary illness, if the person lives a life
without stress, it is likely that they do not get the illness.
Human behaviour: I do understand – and I don’t.
Let’s take a look.
For instance, let’s say, a relationship has not worked for years.
Constant bickering and sometimes violent arguing, and not slept
together for years. Yet, when one of the partners leaves and goes
off with another, the remaining partner is devastated.
I do understand, and I don’t.
The understandable bit. Change – human beings do not like it;
Lost and lonely; What will people think; Pride; Feeling unworthy;
A failure. And so on.
One thing to consider is that many of us, most of the time, do not like
how we feel inside. It is probably to do with an unpleasant childhood –
which a relationship can hide to some extent, so we are ready to
compromise with a situation that is really not appropriate.
As I say, perfectly understandable – on one level, and on another level,
not. That there are these feeling is understandable, but to take them
seriously is not very intelligent. It is a symptom of *I want my way* –
even when the way does not work!
A time that seems like a crisis is an excellent time for significant
change to be realised. If something like this happens for you, how about,
instead of feeling sorry for yourself, use the opportunity to take a
deeper look at yourself?
If you stop resisting, the facts, you may have an awakening – suddenly
seeming to stand outside of yourself and see the situation clearly.
That is the key – to see yourself more clearly – from a more detached
Wishing you well