Of course science a a wide field, and, as with most things, there are generalities. So it seems, science is telling us, for sure, there is no scientific proof for Astrology. In fact, I have read, they say it is nonsense, and by their scientific criteria, they can prove that. Personally, I have a vague …
We are all now hearing more about the greed, ruthlessness and arrogance of the ‘1 percent’ – and the protestations by the .00000000001 percent. (While the rest of us snooze on?) This is what I look at – the 1 percent are powerless on their own. It is not the 1 percent who are controlling …
A friend wrote: >just read your last post. once again something resonated a lot in me and >the big rest of me stays some sort of dead. not capable to really deal >with it. not wanting to deal with it and really let it in. >some sort of protection mode, fear of being completely overwhelmed. …
After the elation of waking up and seeing the beauty in everyone and everything, most people expand into a new level of sensitivity – and a shock of seeing and experiencing another depth of pain, suffering, and violence that is really going on in the world. Many of you have written to say you only …
Someone was telling me that they are a being employed as a consultant to the Olympics. To me the Olympics are a good example of how asleep and programmed we are. As the Olympics are toted as ‘A Good Thing’ – that is what we are expected to believe. I consider the Olympics to be …
Alan Steinfeld sent: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7AWnfFRc7g Doesn’t it seem very, very obvious? — in order for peace to prevail on earth we have to come together. Yet when we look at the state of the planet it seems impossible – doesn’t it? Don’t we seem to be a divided species? Religions, politics, science, corporations, countries, families, partners. …